Indice: Resúmenes - Conferencistas especiales 7
Eje 1: Investigaciones en Lingüística y Lingüística Aplicada 23
Balancing simplicity and accuracy: a proposal for a grammar for ETEP students 24
Critical reading and academic literacy in the classrooms of the Teacher Education
Program at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, a proposal from Discursos Escritos30
From theory to practice: first steps into academic writing 34
Lexical stress awareness in native Spanish adolescent speakers 39
Picturebooks as multimodal ensembles: The Invisible by Tom Percival, a practical
analysis 43
Eje 2: Identidad, Cultura e Interculturalidad 48
Queer: A Graphic History (2016): notes towards translating a theory 49
Uncovering pedagogies of cruelty: The Handmaid’s Tale as a mirror of societal brutality
Meaning Construction and Metalinguistic Reflection in the History Classroom 56
Internationalization: towards a working definition 59
Eje 3: Investigaciones en Educación y Prácticas Educativas 64
Teaching English to Young Learners: Designing materials with stories and songs 65
Enhancing narrative writing skills: sensory imagery and 'showing, not telling' strategies
in an undergraduate class 71
The role of literature and films in ESL: developing Intercultural Communicative
Competence through short stories and movies in higher education 75
Lesson planning based on tasks 80
They have the right to try: Teaching English to people with Down syndrome 84
Transmedia storytelling: a tool to engage students in multidirectional communication 90
Sustainable energies unleashed: a multidisciplinary journey 95
E-PORTFOLIO: a learning, teaching and assessment strategy 98
Building bridges in our ESP courses 103
In search of the method or prudence 107
Online-friendly lessons (for students and teachers) 111
Experiences in pedagogic practices: A dialogue to make visible the relationship between
pre-service and cooperating teacher in pedagogic practices 116
Ecotourism in English Language I class 119
Transmedia evaluation in the era of the GenAI 122
Exploratory Action Research: classroom experiences and reflections 129
Sharing online documents: an opportunity to give constructive feedback for narrative
writing 132
The Duality of Delight and Distress: An Exploratory Case Study on Transposing
Argumentation Skills from a Linguist Skills Course to the Production of a Literary
Research Paper 137
Intercultural motivators: Cross-cultural strategies and gender perspective in an
Argentine- Canadian University Exchange 141 (...)
Fil: Bauzada Arbelaiz, Sofía. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina.
Fil: Contreras Jaime, Milena. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina.
Fil: Goñi, Geraldina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina.
Fil: Tolaba, Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina.
Fil: Vouilloz, Mauricio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentina.